The trailer of Debarati Gupta’s upcoming film Onek Diner Pore is out now. Primarily made for the theatres, now the film is going to have a digital release on the Zee5 platform on 7 May. The film features Swastika Mukherjee, Sudipta Chakraborty, Rupanjana Mitra and Palomi Ghosh in the lead roles.
Onek Diner Pore is the story of a reunion of four school friends after a long time. The trailer begins with Chakraborty's character asking all her old friends to meet up. While Mitra makes sure that she is bold enough before her girlfriends, Mukherjee reaches the meeting point in her usual avatar of a housewife.
Back at home, her husband scoffs at the concept of a girls' reunion and claims that girls cannot have a proper ‘adda’ [meeting joint]. However, in the next moment, Mitra shatters all his presumptions, by announcing, “I have had sex like a man.” A shy Mukherjee asks her, how is it possible to have sex like a man. Their conversations eventually lead to them shedding their inhibitions. They have a serious discussion on feminism, as well as indulge in gossip.
They also reconcile, forgetting past enmity and revisit their early days by playing the infamous game — truth and dare. However, the game doesn’t allow them to have a jolly time for long as Chakraborty speaks out, “The truth is ugly!”
Issues of molestation and motherhood crop up and Mukherjee declares that nobody is at mental peace.
The compact trailer reveals a lot about the film, as it also offers glimpses into the shades of the characters. It also suggests that all the four friends are basically living a life of deception and are always desperately concealing the truth from the public eye. Are they eventually able to face the truth and yet retain their friendship? What do they take away from the reunion?
Watch the trailer below and tell us if you are keen on watching the film.