The film is the directorial debut of Vijay Ghote and will be released on 3 May.
Ved Man Tujhyasathi trailer: Yet another Sairat-themed film, but with bad acting
Mumbai - 26 Apr 2019 15:30 IST
Keyur Seta
After the super success of Nagraj Manjule’s Sairat (2016), there have been a number of Marathi films based on the same theme — boy from a lower caste/class and girl from a rich family falling in love and facing the consequences. Yuntum (2018), Baban (2018) and Perfume (2019) all toed the same line.
The trend refuses to die as debutant director Vijay Ghote’s Ved Man Tujhyasathi is also based exactly on the same plot.
The recently released trailer of the film shows a girl from a rich and powerful family falling madly in love with a boy from a strata of society lower. They are eager to spend the rest of their lives together, but face serious obstacles because of the social differences. The makers have concealed the names of the actors for unknown reasons.
How long will the audience be subjected to the same story? Even if we somehow delete the memories of the films on the same theme to have released in recent years, the trailer of Ved Mann Tujhyasathi is mediocre. It looks like an amateur attempt with weak acting, especially by the lead cast. Some portions of the trailer are abruptly edited too.
The film will be released on 3 May.
Watch the trailer and tell us if you are keen on watching the film.
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