A film that speaks about capturing "India's Osama" naturally has intrigue written all over it. The big question, though, is who is this man called "India’s Osama" in writer-director Raj Kumar Gupta’s film India’s Most Wanted. The makers released the teaser of the film today (16 April).
India’s Most Wanted is a story about the hunt for a dreaded terrorist, carried out by five most unlikely heroes, including actor Arjun Kapoor.
Gupta’s wanted man is a dreaded terrorist who is said to have carried out 52 blasts across the country from 2007-2013 and killing 433 people. The worst was the 2008 Mumbai terror attack that was carried out by Pakistani terrorists.
Ideally, you’d associate Gupta’s terrorist to be belonging to a local terror group, but the fact that Gupta’s villain recites words from the Bhagwad Gita builds suspense over the identity of the wanted terrorist. There is little information about the criminal and the teaser suggests that the intelligence agency doesn’t even know his name.
The first minute of the teaser is all about the wanted man. Said to be based on true events, Gupta’s film sees five unlikely heroes, led by Kapoor, to hunt down the terrorists, and that too without any use of guns or weapons. How they manage to pull this off will be interesting to see.
Kapoor and his four accomplices look like a bunch of no-hopers, ordinary in every sense. However, there are countless stories of ordinary men pulling off great feats. Gupta has a fascinating story at his disposal and the gripping teaser only adds to the intrigue.
India’s Most Wanted will be released on 24 May.
Watch the teaser below and tell us if you will be watching the film.