The trailer of Kaushik Ganguly’s upcoming film Jyeshthoputro has both, complexities and yearning for love written all over it. Jyeshtoputro features Prosenjit Chatterjee and Ritwick Chakraborty in the same frame for the first time. The trailer was launched on World Siblings Day at South City Mall on 10 April.
In the trailer, while Chatterjee shines in his usual avatar of a star, Ritwick brings out the contrast in his character that is close to the soil, with his natural act.
The trailer begins with Chatterjee making his journey to his ancestral home in the village of Ballavpur. The stark dichotomy between his lifestyle and the rest of his family's is well established with the beginning scenes.
While Chatterjee’s chopper hovers over the village, Ritwick looks at it, while travelling in a rickshaw. In the background, a song dedicated to the proletarian section of the society goes on and in the visuals we see the dead body of Comrade Indranath Gangopadhyay rested for its ultimate journey. It suggests the demise of the socialist father of the siblings.
Sudipta Chakraborty seems to be playing their only sister, while Gargi Roy Chowdhury’s character is not fully clear. Emptiness descends upon the ancestral house following the death. While Sudipta doesn’t seem to cope with it, Chatterjee is not able to shed his star image and even in the event of his father’s death, he has to pose and speak for the public.
He tries to maintain his image before the residents of Ballavpur; however, his stardom creates problems in the apparently simple life led by the rest of his family. Chatterjee’s helplessness is revealed through the dialogue that he cannot ignore the industry — which is a blood bank, for his brother of his own blood.
While Ritwick doesn’t muster the courage to confront his brother for long, he takes recourse to alcohol before he performs his father’s rites, to speak freely. Chatterjee’s statement, translated as: “There is some magic, Mr Partho, because of which you’ve to seek permission from the cops and the bodyguards and then come to my room” generates curiosity about his status in the eyes of his brother. The statement also brings out the failure of the two brothers to accept each other as they are, as they perhaps ignored each other due to deep insecurities.
Sudipta’s certain eccentric behaviour suggests that she has her own narrative to add to the complexities, while Roy Chowdhury seems to be the only balancing factor, expressing her sane voice amidst the fragile relationships.
Jyeshthoputro is slated for release on 26 April.