Actress Anushka Sharma has taken ill even as the promotions of her upcoming film Sui Dhaaga: Made In India are on in full swing. According to reports, the actress is suffering from a bulging disc, also known as disc protrusion. Even though she has been advised to take complete rest, the actress will continue to promote the film.
“Anushka has developed a bulging disc issue and she is doing intensive physiotherapy sessions daily. She will heal completely in 3-4 weeks if she takes care of her back properly. The doctor had advised rest for her but with Sui Dhaaga promotions in full swing, she said she won’t be pulling herself out of promotions,” a source informed, an entertainment website.
Speaking on the actress’s condition, the source added, “Anushka can’t sit in one place for a long time. She has to either lie down or walk around in breaks and that’s how she has been promoting for the last couple of days.”
Sharma has made no change in plans as far as the film's promotions are concerned. “Despite being in severe pain, Anushka is game to do everything that has been planned. Her team is taking care of the fact that her back doesn’t come under any stress during promotions. Anushka is in serious, serious discomfort but she also realizes that if she is unable to promote, it will impact the movie promotions. This level of commitment is certainly a rarity,” added the source.
Roughly speaking, a bulging disc occurs when the soft centre of a spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior casing.
The film, also starring Varun Dhawan, is scheduled to be released on 28 September.