Filmmaker Leena Yadav's fourth feature film, Rajma Chawal, is headed to London for its world premiere. The film, starring Rishi Kapoor, Anirudh Tanwar, and Amyra Dastur, will be screened at the 62nd BFI London Film Festival as part of its themed strand galas under the section of love.
Writer-director Yadav announced the beginning of the film’s journey on Twitter.
In the romantic comedy, Kapoor stars as a widower who tries his best to connect with his young son (Anirudh Tanwar) after his wife’s death. Eventually, he resorts to contacting his son via Facebook as a young woman his son might be interested in. The ploy works and the two begin communicating. However, life throws a wrench when the young woman (Amyra Dastur) crosses paths in real life with his son.
Rajma Chawal's screenplay has been written by Yadav, Manurishi Chadha, and Vivek Anchalia. The film is produced by Yadav, Aseem Bajaj, and Gulab Singh Tanwar.
The 62nd BFI London Film Festival will be held from 10 to 22 October. The British film festival will screen 225 features from 77 countries across 12 days.