The Supreme Court of India, on Thursday (27 September) directed the police not to take any coercive action against the makers of Aayush Sharma-Warina Hussain starrer Loveyatri. The court also stayed all FIRs filed against the film for allegedly 'hurting religious sentiments'.
The bench, headed by chief justice of India Dipak Misra, noted that the film had been cleared by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and, despite that, an FIR was filed against the film and its makers. An FIR was filed against the film in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, and another one in Vadodara, Gujarat.
The bench ordered that no coercive action should be taken against the makers of the film, or the film for its content.
Initially titled Loveratri, the film's title was changed to 'Loveyatri' after fringe groups accused the film of 'hurting religious sentiments'.
The film features Aayush Sharma and Warina Hussain and is set to be released on 5 October.