Actors Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan skirted the issue of Tanushree Dutta's accusation on Nana Patekar at the Thugs Of Hindostan trailer launch. The actress spoke out against the 'hypocrisy' of the industry to not have supported her when she accused Patekar of misbehaving with her on the sets of Horn 'Ok' Pleassss (2009).
On being asked to comment on the issue, Bachchan slyly replied, "Sir, Na toh mera naam Tanushree hai, aur na hi mera naam Nana. Kaise uttar doon? [Sir, neither is my name Tanushree, nor is it Nana. How can I answer?]."
While Bachchan refused to take a stand, Aamir Khan had a more diplomatic answer.
"Well, I think without knowing the veracity or details of something, I don't I can comment on it. It is not right for me to either way comment on it. But I would like to say that whenever something like this does happens, it is a really sad thing."
Speaking to News18, a new channel, on Wednesday (26 September), Dutta had revealed that she had complained against Patekar's misbehaviour on sets during the shoot of Horn 'Ok' Pleassss (2009). The actress alleged that she had objected to the actor's attempts to force an 'intimate' scene in to the dance song she was shooting for. When she objected, the actor used the help of a political party to damage her car and threaten her, she said.
Dutta also accused director Rakesh Sarang, producer Sami Siddiqui and choreographer Ganesh Acharya of being a part of the act.
While she had filed a complaint with Cine and Television Artists' Association (CINTAA), Dutta said she had received little support from the industry insiders.