The second trailer of director Vishal Bhardwaj’s Pataakha, called Bada Pataakha, focusses on the funny twist in the tale of both sisters, played by Sanya Malhotra and Radhika Madan.
The two sisters have been fierce enemies to such an extent that physical fights between them are common ever since they were kids. Needless to say, they are a nuisance for their family members. The only hope to stop their antics is to get them married off.
They get married to two different men, but land up in the same house. This twist is quite hilarious. However, it seems like too much has been revealed in this trailer.
Nevertheless, the trailer does make you laugh and look forward to the release of the film. The fun background score contributes greatly to the effect the trailer has.
Pataakha is Bhardwaj’s next after the dud Rangoon (2017) starring Kangana Ranaut, Saif Ali Khan and Shahid Kapoor.
Pataakha will hit the theatres on 28 September.
Watch the trailer: