After Amitabh Bachchan, Fatima Sana Shaikh and Katrina Kaif, it is the turn of Aamir Khan’s character in Thugs Of Hindostan to meet the audience. Producers Yash Raj Films have shared the motion poster of Khan's character called Firangi Mallah. The film is directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya.
The motion poster is quite creative as it slowly zooms out from the liquor bottle that Khan has tied to his waist. As the footage continues to zoom out, we slowly get a glimpse of his first look. He is seen sitting on a donkey, wearing a hat and red goggles. He has a bright green jacket over a a greenish, brown dhoti-like pant. His expression and overall look lend a funny tone to his character.
Khan's latest tweet about the character revelation goes: "This is me, Firangi Mallah. You won't find a nicer person than me in the entire world. Truth is my second name and trust is my task. I swear to my grandmother."
Khan's look is a quick reminder of Johnny Depp’s character Mad Hatter in Alice In Wonderland (2010).
Earlier this year, Khan's pictures from the sets of the film were leaked on the internet. That look was quite different from the one released today. It showed the actor sporting a tough look with curly hair and a moustache.
Thugs Of Hindostan will be released on Diwali (8 November).
Watch the motion poster: