Actor Jitendra Kumar, previously seen in the web-series Pitchers, Permanent Roommates and Bachelors Season 2, is making his big screen debut with Yoodlee Films’ Chaman Bahaar (2019). Set in Chattisgarh, the film is directed by Apurva Dhar Badgaiyann, who is making directorial debut as well.
The small-town film features Jitendra as Billu, a paan-shop owner who falls for the young girl who lives opposite his shop. All the young boys of the town come to Billu’s shop to catch a glimpse of the girl, while Billu who is right opposite says nothing about his love for her.
Jitendra, who has has been working in the digital space for a while, said he was looking for the right script and character to make his film debut. He previously acted in the short film anthology, Shuruaat Ka Interval (2014), which was directed by eight filmmakers.
“The film has a very interesting and entertaining premise and a quirky musical touch – an intriguing one at that, and my character experiences a huge emotional arc during the course of the film. I am really excited about this role and this film, which the audience is surely going to love and connect to,” he said.
Badgaiyann, who has previously worked with filmmaker Prakash Jha on Raajneeti (2010) and Aarakshan (2011), is excited to make his directorial debut with a love story.
“Chaman Bahaar is a fun romantic-satire, about a guy who falls in love with a girl ‘out of his league’. He goes on this wacky ride to claim his love for her. It’s set in Chattisgarh, in a milieu that has never been explored before. It’s full of colourful characters, replete with their quirks," the director stated.
For Yoodlee Films, this is yet another story revolving around relationships in the contemporary settings of northern India like next year’s films, Axone and Chhote Nawab.
Siddharth Anand Kumar, vice president of television and films at Yoodlee Films, said in a statement, “Chaman Bahaar is a refreshing take on love and loss in today’s time, where seemingly simple circumstances reveal deeper connections and complexities in peoples lives. It’s a tragi-comic love-story and the milieu of a small town, on the cusp of change, makes it even more interesting. And having an actor like Jitendra come on board makes for some exciting casting.”
The film, which is likely to be released next year, will also feature Ritika Badiani, Bhuvan Arora, Alam Khan, Dhirendra Tiwari and Ashwani Kumar.