Senior actor Govinda made a comeback as the main lead last year in Aagaya Hero (2017). The film turned out to be a humongous disaster, for its content and its box office performance. He is back with director Abhishek Dogra’s FryDay, and will share the screen with Varun Sharma, who is known for his Choocha character in the Fukrey franchise.
Going by the trailer of the film, FryDay is about a theatre actor Gagan (Govinda). He is not only a flirt, but also a womaniser. His wife loves him, but he has no qualms about cheating on her. When she's not at home, he calls his girlfriend (Digangana Suryavanshi) over. However, his plans are foiled when his brother-in-law (Sharma), a door-to-door salesman, arrives to sell his product. Thus begins the chaos.
The only positive aspect about the trailer is Sharma’s presence. The actor's comic timing is impressive.
Other than this, the promo hardly makes you laugh, even though Govinda tries hard. The problem isn’t that the jokes and gags are not funny. It is the regressiveness that irks you. An ageing actor desperate for a 20-year-old girl is more repulsive than funny. The film seems to justify cheating, which isn't okay either.
It's weird how filmmakers and actors continue portraying women as objects of desire for ageing lusty men even in 2018. In Aagaya Hero, Govinda made it loud and clear that he hasn’t moved on with the times. The same is the case here.
FryDay appears to be much better than Govinda’s last film, but that benchmark is too low to even elicit any positive publicity for FryDay.
Watch the trailer below: