The trailer of director Shankar's 2.0, starring Rajinikanth, Akshay Kumar and Amy Jackson, will be out on 13 Septermber, that also marks Ganesh Chathurthi.
In a new development, the film's team has announced that the trailer of both the 2D and 3D versions will be released simultaneously. "Lyca Productions, Shankar's 2.0 teaser [sic] is all set to be released on 13 September on the auspicious day of Ganesh Chathurthi," a statement read.
2.0 has been touted as the costliest film made so far with a budget of Rs450 crore.
"To clear all doubts, the teaser will release simultaneously in 3D and 2D. We are planning to screen the teaser in 3D across India and abroad in select theatres. We will release the 3D theatre list in India over the next few days! A lot of hard work and effort is going on to ensure you all watch the teaser in 3D as the magnum opus, 2.0, has been fully shot in 3D. The teaser will be released simultaneously on YouTube in 2D and across all screens in India and Abroad in 2D as well," the statement added.