Actor Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor, along with Varun Sharma, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Naveen Polishety, Tushar Pandey, Saharsh Shukla and Prateik Babbar, bring a timeless tale of timepass in Nitesh Tiwari’s Chhichhore.
The film already began shooting on the last day of September and today the new (and old) looks of the main cast of characters have been revealed. It seems like the characters in the film get together to reminisce about their past as evidenced by the pairing of the old and new looks of the artistes.
The intriguing first poster also unveils the interesting nicknames of the characters, Bevda, Acid, Derek, Anni (for Singh Rajput), Maya (for Kapoor), Sexa, and Mummy. The tagline on the poster also reads, 'Kutte ki doom, tedi ki tedi', suggesting that as these characters grow old, their naughty ways do not die out.
Tiwari's film is a social drama which is set in a college about the lives of students who have to deal with success and failure while in college.
Presented by Fox Star Hindi, Chhichhore is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. The film is due to be released on 30 August 2019.