While the buzz about Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh's wedding has just got going, Priyanka Chopra has gone about quietly planning her own big day. The actress was the centre of attention at her bridal shower in New York yesterday (28 October), with actress-producer Kelly Ripa and Oscar winning actress Lupita Nyong'o in attendance.
Hosted by her close friend, Mubina Rattonsey, the party was held in New York with her beau Nick Jonas's sister, Danielle and her daughter Alena also in attendance.
Chopra was spotted wearing a white feathered dress with a diamond necklace from Tiffany's to match. Incidentally, Chopra had also received her engagement ring from Jonas purchased from Tiffany's.
Her stylist, Mimi Cutrell, shared pictures of the actress looking resplendent at the party.
Jonas recently moved in to his newly purchased $6.5 million mansion in Beverly Hills. The couple were also spotted earlier this month looking for locations around Jodhpur for the wedding.
While the couple has not revealed the wedding date, speculations abound that they will exchange vows in the month of December.