Baazaar, starring Saif Ali Khan, Radhika Apte, Chitrangada Singh and Rohan Mehra, opened to a low number yesterday at the box office. Debutant Gauravv K Chawla's directorial made only Rs2.50 to Rs2.75 crore in the day, as per figures shared by
The first day earning of Baazaar is much better than Khan's last two films as solo lead, Kaalakaandi (2018) and Chef (2017), which had opened to only Rs95 lakh and 84 lakh, respectively. This is, however, in no way good news because Baazaar is not a low budget film.
Baazaar review: Saif Ali Khan's snarling stockbroker drives this parable on greed
As per trade sources, the film is made at a budget of Rs35-40 crore. Needless to say, it needs a big jump in the rest of the weekend and sustain well on the weekdays in order to have a chance of recovering its production cost.
As per, the amount of Rs1.25 crore that Baazaar collected on the first day has come from Mumbai itself. This can be because of the fact that the story revolves around the Bombay Stock Exchange.
The other releases of the week — 5 Weddings, Kaashi, Dassehra, Gaon: The Village No More, Chal Jaa Bapu and The Journey Of Karma — turned out to be washouts.
Meanwhile, Ayushmann Khurrana-starrer Badhaai Ho managed to earn a good Rs3.25 crore on its second Friday yesterday. The grand total of the Amit Ravindernath Sharma directorial stands at an impressive Rs68 crore.