After singer Sona Mohapatra accused singer Kailash Kher and composer Anu Malik, the latter had sidelined her accusations. However, the composer has another complaint coming his way from singer Shweta Pandit. Pandit has now accused Malik of inappropriate behaviour when she was at a recording with him, as a 15-year old.
In a long Twitter post in which she used some strong words, Pandit wrote: "It has taken a lot in me to open up this wound again and speak up against this paedophile and sexual predator."
In the post, Pandit accused Malik of making a pass at her when she was only 15-years-old and making her debut in Aditya Chopra's Mohabbatein (2000). The singer wrote: "He asked me to sing something without any music as he wanted to hear my voice. I remember I sang the title song of Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega as a voice test for this man. I sang it so well, he said, 'I'll give you this song with Sunidhi and Shaan but first give me a kiss now'."
Pandit added, "I am sure many singers have been exploited by him as he is a known name for doing this to singers. I'd urge those singers/women to share their stories too."
The tweet has already been shared by singers Chinmayi Sripaada and Mohapatra. Mohapatra had earlier accused Malik of being a 'serial predator'.