The short film, starring Seema Pahwa and Palomi Ghosh, won the Audience International Award in the Next Generation category at the recent Brussels Short Film Festival 2018.
Mansi Jain's short film, Everything Is Fine, heads to New York Indian Film Festival on 10 May
Mumbai - 09 May 2018 19:00 IST
Shriram Iyengar
The festival season already has its first winner. Director Mansi Jain's short film, Everything Is Fine, has won the Audience International Award at the recent Brussels Short Film Festival 2018. The film is now set to premiere at the New York Indian Film Festival 2018 on 10 May.
The film, also written by Jain, revolves around the story of a middle-aged woman who seeks to end her unfulfilling marriage, and turns to her daughter for help. The short film was screened at the Next Generation Category at the Brussels Short Film Festival, which concluded on 6 May 2018.
Produced by UAE-based Sasha John, the film is Jain's second short film to earn such accolade. The director's Sariwala (2014) had also been screened at the festival earlier.
Having directed the acclaimed short film, Chhuri, starring Anurag Kashyap, Surveen Chawla and Tisca Chopra, Jain has also worked as a creative director on the show, BFFs With Vogue Season 2.
Everything Is Fine will screen at the New York Indian Film Festival 2018 in Auditorium 4 of Village East Cinemas at 9.30pm on 10 May.