While the whole internet is abuzz with actress Sonam Kapoor's wedding with businessman Anand Ahuja, the makers of actor Ranbir Kapoor's Sanju have gone about quietly releasing another one of the actor's catchy look from the film. Dressed in a sharp suit, with a Beatle's style haircut, the actor looks every bit the Sanjay Dutt from the 1980s. Incidentally, the reveal comes 37 years to the day when Dutt's debut film, Rocky (1981) arrived in theatres.
Rocky marked the film debut of Dutt, at the age of 21. The debut also began Dutt's rocky relationship with fame, as it arrived to theatres a few days after the death of his mother, Nargis. Although the film was a runaway hit, it was the beginning of a tough time for the actor as he struggled to come to terms with his mother's death, while dealing with the limelight.
Sanju (2018) is written and directed by Rajkumar Hirani, and will feature this pivotal moment in Dutt's career and life. Kapoor seems to have captured the vulnerability and the rage of Dutt in his younger years.
Sanju will be out in theatres on 29 June.