In the film Ki & Ka (2016), Arjun Kapoor played Kabir, husband to the successful, career woman Kia, who has no qualms staying home and letting his wife be the main earner in the family. The unusual romance, directed by R Balki, completed two years on 1 April this year. The film is close to Kapoor as it is something that he believes in himself. On that day, he launched the annual Bend The Gender campaign where people can nominate those who have brought a postive change in society for women for honour and recognition. The eventual winner would be awarded by Kapoor himself.
In March 2013, actor Farhan Akhtar launched Men Against Rape & Discrimination (MARD) in order to raise awareness for crimes against women. Akhtar was moved to start the movement after the rape and murder of lawyer Pallavi Purkayastha who worked for his company, Excel Entertainment Pvt Ltd.