Hollywood's superhero drama Avengers: Infinity War continues to earn big in India. The Marvel film has bagged Rs156 crore nett in its first week, as reported by boxofficeindia.com.
The film has already recorded the biggest opening week for any film in 2018 at the Indian box office with Rs156 crore. Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat had earned Rs143.75 crore nett in its first week.
Avengers: Infinity War enjoyed a grand opening on Friday (27 April), accumulating Rs31.33 crore nett. When Sunday's (29 April) business came to a close, the film was already nearing the Rs100 crore mark, with a total of Rs94.33 crore nett.
The film's collection dropped below Rs10 crore nett for the first time on Thursday (3 May) when it earned Rs9.50 crore nett. However, it succeeded in crossing the Rs150 crore nett mark.
The Hollywood film has released across 2,000 screens in India, (1,000 screens for the English version and 1,000 screens for the dubbed versions). The Hindi version alone has earned Rs62 crore nett which is pretty significant for a dubbed Hollywood film.
While crossing Padmaavat's Rs280 crore nett earnings at the Indian box office might still take time, it looks like Avengers: Infinity War is giving the Indian film a run for its money.