In terms of launches, actor Salman Khan might prove to be competition with the best of ISRO's satellite rockets. The actor is set to launch yet another newcomer into the industry tomorrow. In preparation for the launch, the Race 3 (2018) actor teased his fans with a picture of himself with a young child, Zaheer Iqbal, who is the soon to make his debut in Hindi cinema.
Zaheer Iqbal or Zaheer Rattansi is the son of a close family friend of Khan. His launch was announced in April this year. The film is reportedly being helmed by the makers of Mubarakan (2017), Ashvini Varde and Murad Khetani, in association with Salman Khan Films.
While the launch has been no secret, Khan has been reportedly working on finding the right script for the film. It looks like the details have been finalised in time for the launch tomorrow.
The launch will also coincide with the release of Race 3's next song, 'Allah Duhai Hai'.