Earlier this May, Veere Di Wedding's promotional song 'Tareefan' was released. Directed by Farah Khan, the song featured the film's leading ladies, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhasker and Shikha Talsania, all glammed up and enjoying a wild night with good-looking men in the pop-style video. Co-written and composed by QARAN, 'Tareefan' is sung by Badshah as the actresses lip-sync to his vocals.
While the song has become quite popular, it has received criticism for using a male voice for a female-led film. In fact, the Veere Di Wedding soundtrack didn't feature any standout songs sung by a female. This fact has just changed.
On 19 May, singer Lisa Mishra from Chicago, Illinois, uploaded her own acoustic version of 'Tareefan' on Instagram, mashed up with Justin Bieber's 'Let Me Love You', using just a guitar. Mishra's version has since gone viral with over 3.29 lakh views and nearly 2,000 comments on her homemade video.
Baadshah, Sonam Kapoor and Shikha Talsania all commented positively on the Instagram video. Actor Anil Kapoor, Sonam's father, also shared her version for his fans. Mishra was overwhelmed by all the support for song.
Listen to the 'Tareefan Reprise' below: