Actress Usha Jadhav has got her plate filled with work. She is set to make her debut in Catalan cinema with Shake It, Baby!, to be directed by veteran Spanish director Ventura Pons. If that were not enough, Jadhav will also be singing four songs for the film.
The National Award winning actress joins a cast that includes BAFTA winner Siân Phillips, broadway actor Billy Cullum, comedian and singer Gary Wilmot, Juha Sorola (Leppajarvi), actress Vicky Peña and Minnie Max.
Shake, It Baby! is a musical in the Catalan language and Jadhav will play an Indian girl. The film will be shot across Spain and in London.
In a quote to IANS, a news agency, Jadhav said, "The film is in the Catalan language. It is a language in Spain and hardly known to us in India. I play an Indian girl. Also, this film is exciting for me because it is a song and dance film. Though India and Bollywood [Hindi films] are known for musicals, I am not offered a chance to dance at home."
In the domestic front, the actress has been cast alongside Girish Kulkarni in Aruna Raje's Firebrand, to be produced by Priyanka Chopra's Purple Pebble Pictures.
The film is expected to be released in 2019.