The anticipation for director Rajkumar Hirani's Sanju trailer is being built up by the daily release of posters from the film. Each poster has offered an insight into the characters involved in the life of Sanjay Dutt. The latest is actress Anushka Sharma's journalist, who makes an appearance in the latest poster.
The actress sports a very different look with a curly short crop, and modern apparel. Even as Sharma presents a beaming smile on the poster, Ranbir Kapoor's brooding profile as Sanjay Dutt lurks in the background. This signifies the role the actress's character will play in unearthing the actor's past and the events in his life perhaps. Kapoor's look from the poster is similar to the one Dutt was sporting in the late 2000s.
In 2017, on being asked about her role in Hirani's film, Sharma was quoted by PTI as saying, "I am not playing his girlfriend, or a journalist, my character is the only fictional character in the film. It is not based on any living person that much I can tell."
This statement seems to be in contrast to Hirani's pointed question in his tweet 'Can anyone guess who she plays?'
The poster is likely to be the last of the series, with the trailer all set to be launched on 30 May.
Sanju will be out in theatres on 29 June.