Back in 2007, Sonam Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor both made their big screen debut together in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Sawaariya (2007). A big Diwali release, the film spluttered and didn't match up to its competition, Farah Khan's Om Shanti Om (2007), which introduced Deepika Padukone. Despite their less than stellar debut, the two went on to make a mark for themselves in the industry. But since Sawaariya, the two never worked together with one another, until now.
In the latest poster introduced by Rajkumar Hirani, the poster shows Sonam and Ranbir together again in a playful mood as she twists his hand laughingly while he pretends to be hurt.
The director stated the still was from Dutt's crazy romantic life. Remember the claim from the Sanju teaser about him having over 300 girlfriends? Sonam is said to be playing one romantic figure from his early life. The two are dressed casually and by their attire, it seems that this is from Dutt's college phase. The pair seem to be good friends as well.
Sanju will be the first time that both Sonam and Ranbir will be starring in a Hirani film. Ranbir had only a special appearance in PK (2014).
Sonam has a busy June, as her home production Veere Di Wedding co-produced by her younger sister Rhea, is due to be released on 1 June, while Sanju is due to be released on 29 June.