Marvel film Deadpool 2 expectedly had a drop in collections on its frist Monday. The Hollywood film saw over a 50% drop in collections as it bagged Rs4 crore nett on its first Monday, as reported by Deadpool 2 has so far bagged Rs31.50 crore nett in India.
The dubbed Hindi version alone accounts for nearly 41% of the collection. Actor Ranveer Singh has lent his voice to the Hindi version. Deadpool 2 was released across 2,000 screens in India.
Meanwhile, Raazi, starring actress Alia Bhatt and actor Vicky Kaushal, is inching closer to earning Rs100 crore. The spy thriller bagged an impressive Rs3.75 crore nett on its second Monday, taking its India business to Rs81.25 crore nett so far. Raazi bagged Rs25.25 crore nett in its second weekend.
Raazi review: Alia Bhatt adds another incredible story to her name
The film, directed by Meghna Gulzar, has been declared a hit. Made at an estimated budget of Rs40 crore, Raazi was released across 1,200 screens in India. The film has already recovered Rs20 crore through satellite, music, digital and overseas rights.
Raazi, co-produced by Junglee Pictures and Dharma Productions, is likely to face competition this Friday from actor John Abraham's long due Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran, which will be out in theatres on 25 May.
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