Director Meghna Gulzar's Raazi finished its second weekend at Rs77.25 crore, adding an impressive Rs21.25 crore to its collections over the last three days. According to, the film continued to build on its strong showing from the first week.
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Made at a modest budget of Rs40 crore, the Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal-starrer has staved off the challenge posed by another Hollywood superhero, Deadpool, and continued to establish its presence over the weekend.
In comparison, Deadpool 2, which started strongly on Friday with a Rs9.75crore opening, went on to finish with Rs27.5 crore over the three-day weekend.
Meghna Gulzar: Raazi looks at Indo-Pak dynamics very differently
Raazi's collections are as follows:
Friday - Rs4.75 crore
Saturday - Rs7.25 crore
Sunday - Rs9.25 crore
Total - Rs21.25 crore
The showing implies that the spy thriller might continue to built on its momentum over the next week, making it one of the most successful films of Meghna Gulzar at the box office.
The world she creates is very real: Alia Bhatt on Raazi director Meghna Gulzar