The grand total of the superhero saga now stands at a staggering Rs134.83 crore nett. And it still has two days to go before completing a week at the box office.
Box office — Avengers: Infinity War continues to shine at Indian box office
Mumbai - 02 May 2018 12:53 IST
Keyur Seta
Hollywood film Avengers: Infinity War continued it amazing run at the Indian box office on Monday (30 April) and Tuesday (1 May), earning Rs20.50 crore nett and Rs20 crore nett respectively, as per figures sat hared by
The superhero saga had earned an unprecedented Rs94.33 crore nett over its first weekend (27-29 April).
The film opened with an impressive Rs31.33 crore nett on Friday. Such numbers are hardly registered even by Hindi films starring the likes of Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan.
The grand total for Avengers: Infinity War now stands at a staggering Rs134.83 crore nett. And it still has two days to go before completing a week at the box office.
At this rate, the film will soon cross Rs200 crore. When this happens, Avengers: Infinity War will become the highest grossing Hollywood film in India.
Sudhir Mishra’s Daas Dev, that released with Avengers: Infinity War had managed only Rs1.50 crore nett over the first three days at the box office. Needless to say, its numbers remained remained unsubstantial Monday and Tuesday too.