After the stupendous success of Avengers: Infinity War that bagged over Rs200 crore nett, another Marvel Comics franchise hit the cinema halls on Friday. Deadpool 2, the latest Marvel franchise film, opened to Rs9.75 crore nett, as reported by This is the fifth biggest opening for a Hollywood film in India.
Incidentally, Deadpool 2 was released across 2,000 screens (all languages) in India, the same as Avengers: Infinity War. The latter, though, had a gigantic opening of Rs31.23 crore nett in India.
The dubbed Hindi version of Deadpool 2 has actor Ranveer Singh lending his voice to the titular character. Singh’s popularity, too, has contributed to a fairly good opening. As per sources, the Hindi version alone has contributed to nearly 41% of the opening day collections. Deadpool 2 is distributed by 20th Century Fox worldwide and STAR in India.
Fox Star Studios pegged the opening day figure to Rs11.25 crore nett.
Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios said: "Deadpool 2 has had a massive opening in India; it is this year’s fourth biggest opening day across Hollywood and Bollywood. The love for the coolest and wittiest superhero has grown exponentially in India and it is indeed incredible that we have managed to achieve this despite the IPL and Ramadan. We are expecting a good jump over the weekend and are excitedly looking forward to a great run over the summer holidays."
Meanwhile, preceding week’s release Raazi continued to grow strong. The film, starring Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal, film made Rs4.75 crore nett on its eight day as it crossed Rs60.75 crore nett in India business.
Raazi is made at an estimated budget Rs40 crore and was released in 1,200 screens in India. Beofre the release, the film's satellite, digital, music and overseas distribution rights had fetched the producers around Rs20 crore.
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