Indian actress Priyanka Chopra's third season of her American television show, Quantico will be her last, but actor-comedian Vir Das is picking up the baton as Jai Datta on ABC's action dramedy Whiskey Cavalier. Quantico is currently in its third season on ABC. Das will join actor Scott Foley and actress Lauren Cohan on the hour-long show produced by Warner Brothers.
The pilot of Whiskey Cavalier was filmed earlier in 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic. Das, who studied at Illinois's Knox College, will be one of the show's series regulars as Jai Datta who helps FBI super agent Will Chase (Foley) aka Whiskey Cavalier and CIA operative Francesca “Frankie” Trowbridge (Cohan) aka Fiery Tribune.
Das said of his new role,"I had such a good time shooting the pilot. It's an exciting time to bring Indian voices to American television. This is a comedy team and a cast that is the right mix of laughs and action. I'm looking forward to saving the world with some hilarious people."
The actor revealed that he met American television producer Bill Lawrence while on tour in the US for his 'The Boarding Das' world tour. "It was something that the universe sends my way while I was on tour in the US. I ended up meeting Bill and the team and we found this character together," he said.
Das took his 'The Boarding Das' comedy special across six continents and over 26 countries. He has also performed his stand-up routine on the American talk show, Conan, to promote his Netflix special, Abroad Understanding. He was also named on Hollywood trade magazine Variety's 10 Comedians to Watch list in 2017.