After a successful launch of its first trailer at the India Pavilion from Cannes, France, T For Taj Mahal is heading to London for its world premiere. The film will be screened at the Bagri Foundation London Indian Film Festival being held from 21 to 29 June 2018.
Earlier this year at the 15th Mumbai International Film Festival, spoke with director Kireet Khurana about his upcoming film. He had said, "[T For Taj Mahal] is about social entrepreneurship and about education as a theme. But it’s basically a protagonist’s journey about how he gets into the space of social entrepreneurship and how he empowers his entire village."
Starring Subrat Dutta, Ali Faulkner, Pitobash, Bidita Bag and Raveena Tandon, the social drama looks to be inspirational. Khurana is due to have a Q & A after the world premiere as part of the centrepiece gala at the film festival.