'Aloshyo', the second song of Srijit Mukherji's upcoming film Uma, was released yesterday by the director during a live interaction of IPL (Indian Premier League) along with the singer Surangana Bandopadhyay. Composed and written by Anupam Roy, 'Aloshyo' is a soft number that subtly explores the world of Uma, the protagonist of the film, played by Sara Sengupta.
The song has both, shots from the lush greenery of Switzerland and festive Kolkata. The first half of the song is about the innocence of Uma, who is seen laughing and enjoying the little joys of life. As she is diagnosed with a terminal disease, her loving father Himdari (Jisshu Sengupta) makes arrangements to recreate the grand Bengali festival Durga Puja at an odd time, to make her last wish come true.
The second half features the awe-struck Uma as she lands in Kolkata and experiences the grandeur of the festival for she does not have the slightest hint of her father’s idea. The lyrics that primarily unfold layers of innocence and simplicity of a child with variant allusions, also suggest a deep longing for life in the girl.
Singer Bandopadhyay’s voice perfectly fits as Uma’s inner voice in the song that not only retains the soul of the lyrics, but also permeates a certain optimism despite the inevitable fate that awaits her.
Mukherji said, "'Aaloshyo' is a song which portrays a child's life, her innocence, her happiness, her struggles to deal with various issues and situations that life is throwing at her. However, Uma is a brave girl and she also has the never-ending support of her father, Himadri, who is willing to cross any limit to bring a smile on his daughter's face."