Marvel superhero franchise film, Avengers: Infinity War, continued to to dominate the Indian box office. The multi-superhero film has become the first Hollywood flick to make a business of Rs200 crore nett in India, as reported by
After 13 days, Avengers: Infinity War’s India business stood at Rs200.25 crore nett. The film has surpassed The Jungle Book (2016) which made Rs187.74 crore nett. It is followed by Furious 7 (2015) that bagged Rs97.86 crore nett, and Jurassic World (2015) that made Rs90.62 crore nett. The Fate Of The Furious (2017) had made Rs86.79 crore nett.
The previous Avengers film, Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) had bagged Rs76.48 crore nett.
Avnegers: Infinity War was released across 2,000 screens (1,000 in English and 1,000 in regional languages) in India.