Actress Anushka Sharma’s production Pari showed a downward trend on Sunday, which came in as a rude shock for the makers. Considering this and the low collections on the first weekend, the numbers were expected to be lower on its first Monday. The film, directed by Prosit Roy, collected only Rs1.75 crore to Rs2 crore yesterday, as per figures shared by
The film, which features Sharma in the lead, opened to a low number of Rs4 crore on Friday despite it being a national holiday for the festival of Holi. The next day, it collected Rs4.75 crore. Surprisingly, instead of improving its collections on Sunday, the film saw a drop as it earned only Rs4.50 crore.
Pari’s grand total stands at Rs15.25 crore approximately right now. As per trade sources, the film is made at a budget around Rs30 crore. Looking at the trend, the film stands little chance of even recovering its making cost.
Director Ashu Trikha’s Veerey Ki Wedding, which was also released on Friday, continued its disastrous run on Monday, as expected. The film, starring Pulkit Samrat, Kriti Kharbanda and Jimmy Shergill, managed a mere Rs30 lakh yesterday.