Actor Ali Fazal has been enjoying a stellar day. While the world has been caught up in the rush of the Oscar awards ceremony, the actor enjoyed the entire show in person, with partner Richa Chadha for company.
Fazal, whose Victoria & Abdul was nominated for the Best Makeup & Hair award, was part of the pre-Oscar bash. Needless to say, the two had a good time. But the clicks on their pictures spiked up with the sighting of Leonardo DiCaprio at the party.
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While the two did not plan for the photo to end up so, it is an added advantage to have Jack Dawson (DiCaprio's character in Titanic, 1997) make an appearance.
In addition, Fazal managed to sneak in a conversation with Sam Rockwell, who went on to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Incidentally, it is Rockwell's first award.
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Although it was not all celebration for Fazal. The actor's film missed out on the golden prize, with the award going to The Darkest Hour. However, the actor found a way to amuse himself through the dejection.