The trailer of Dhrubo Banerjee’s upcoming thriller Guptodhoner Sandhane was released on 27 March at the Indrapuri Studio by the director, protagonist Abir Chatterjee, actors Arjun Chakraborty, Arindam Sil and actress Isha Saha.
In order to enhance the promotion during the trailer launch, the team from production house, SVF, recreated an ambience of a treasure hunt in the studio. The trailer, so far, has received encouraging response from the members of the film fraternity and media houses.
The trailer begins with the arrival of history professor Surbarna Sen a.k.a. Sona Da from London. Sona Da along with his brother and confidante (Arjun Chakraborty), goes on a trip to palace in Monikantopur, belonging to the Mughal era. Soon after their arrival at the historical place, Sona Da gets hold of a clue directing him to a 350 year-old hidden treasure in the mansion.
Their search for the treasure eventually leads them into a twisted adventure. They also need to fight an opposition party, who are on their feet to get hold of the riches too.
With the elements of suspense, action and romance in place, the trailer seems promising. It also hints at the role of Rajatava Datta as the villain.
A typical rhythmic and poetic commentary throughout the trailer echoes the flavour of Bengali sensibilities, which is a crucial aspect of the film.
“This is the biggest treasure hunt, we promise this summer. Through this adventure, we will make history more interesting for all of you,” actor Abir Chatterjee confirmed.
The film will be released on 27 April.