Actress Swara Bhasker, who is sharing screen space with actresses like Kareena Kapoor Khan and Sonam Kapoor in forthcoming film Veere Di Wedding (2018), says that sometimes it is good to have no controversies.
When asked that how does it feel to have no conflicts and controversies while working in a film that has multiple actresses in one frame, Bhasker told IANS: "I think this entire team is completely invested in the craft and the characters that they are playing.
"There is a great story, and we just want to make every attempt to ensure that people like it. Sometimes it is all right to not have any controversies! I am thrilled to be a part of this project."
Bhasker is being featured as one of the women changemakers in the Season 3 of the #IShapeMyWorld campaign by Levi's.
It is driven by the insight that in a world that still tries to restrain women from achieving their potential by fueling insecurities about themselves, whether it is about her ‘body' or her ‘being'. There are an increasing number of stories of women who took their chances and beat the odds.
So what kind of influence she wants to be on the youth that looks up to her?
"I think, they should believe in themselves and hone their skills as much as they can. There is no shortcut to hard work, and if you follow your heart, you will land somewhere good," she said.