The news of a Hindi remake of the Hollywood tragic romance, The Fault In Our Stars, got some exciting buzz going among fans. The film will mark the directorial debut of casting director Mukesh Chhabra and also feature Sanjana Sanghi and Sushant Singh Rajput in the lead. However, the cast and crew are not the only people excited about this venture. It seems the idea of a Hindi remake is being welcomed by the author and the original cast members of the film as well.
Actress Shailene Woodley, who played Hazel Grace Lancaster in the American film, was the first to take to Twitter to share the news. The actress tagged her co-star, Ansel Egort, with a link about the Hindi remake confirming its female lead, Sanjana Sanghi.
The Fault In Our Stars tells the story of two terminally ill teenagers who fall in love and find a way to cope with their disease and loss together. The book was made into a film in 2014 and it won the Teen Choice Awards for both its lead actors.
Rajput is expected to take on Ansel Elgort's role, while Sanghi will reprise Woodley's character. The film is currnetly untitled, and will be produced by Fox Star Studios.