The shooting of the upcoming film Brahmastra was brought to a halt after lead actress Alia Bhatt suffered an injury on the sets in Bulgaria. The actress was doing an action scene when she lost her balance and fell, hurting her shoulder and arm.
“On 17 March, Alia injured her shoulder while filming an action sequence. The schedule has been tough and challenging on several levels and this accident has set us back by two days. However, our highest priority is Alia’s recovery. She has been advised minimal movement of the arm which means she cannot resume filming her action sequences in the near future to prevent any further trauma to her shoulder,” Marijke Desouza, excecutive producer, Brahmastra, said in a statement.
According to a report in a daily, Bhatt is currently in a lot of pain as she has a clot in her arm. This, however, could not be confirmed.
The actress’s injury has affected the schedule and buzz has it that the team was to wrap the Bulgaria schedule by this month. But, with the actress out of action, the team may have to reschedule their plans.
Directed by Ayan Mukerji, the adventure-fantasy drama also features Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role.
Brahmastra is said to be a three-part franchise, with the first film set to be released in 2019.