Actor Shah Rukh Khan's friends and co-actors often praise him for his wit. Khan has reunited with his Jab Tak Hai Jaan (2012) co-stars Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma for the Aanand L Rai film Zero (2018). Khan indulged in some friendly banter on Sunday with Kaif. The actor revisited his days of Darr (1993) when, like his character in the film, he told Kaif, 'I love you KKKKatrina'.
"Cos she doesn’t eat ice cream in real, Cos she has worked so hard & cos this reminds me of Darr...on @aanandlrai #Zero the film...’I lov u kkkKatrina..’ @katrinakaif, Khan wrote on Instagram.
Surprisingly, it was an ice-cream that triggered this thought. Kaif perhaps didn’t have the ice-cream, but Khan’s words did melt her heart.
Zero will be released on Christmas this year.
Icecream à¤ÂÂÂÂà¥Â बादð¦â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
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