Mukesh Chhabra's directorial debut now has a leading lady. The casting director is set to turn director with a remake of the Hollywood romance, The Fault In Our Stars. Chhabra has picked Sanjana Sanghi to play the lead opposite Sushant Singh Rajput in the yet untitled film.
The director made an announcement on Twitter with a picture of his heroine, writing, "Happy to announce that the talented and beautiful @SanjanaSanghi96 will be co-starring alongside @itsSSR in my debut directorial project."
While this will be Sanghi's first film as a lead, the actress was previously seen playing younger sister to Nargis Fakhri in Imtiaz Ali's Rockstar (2011). Incidentally, it was Chhabra who did the casting for the film.
Speaking to Mumbai Mirror, a daily tabloid, Chhabra said, "I met Sanjana while casting for Rockstar and found her to be a dynamic girl with great energy. After a few years, she reconnected for a few ad jobs and this time she came across as a mature young lady and to my surprise, a fabulous actor. I knew instantly that I would love to make a film with her one day."
The actress will now play the role of the terminally ill Hazel Green portrayed by Shailene Woodley in the original film, while Rajput will play the terminally ill boy who steals her heart.
The film will also be produced by Fox Star Studios and will see AR Rahman compose music for it.