With her recent success in Tamil cinema, actress Shraddha Srinath has now turned her attention to the Hindi film industry. The actress is set to make her debut in Hindi cinema opposite Ali Fazal in Milan Talkies. Directed by Tigmanshu Dhulia, the film is an edgy romantic drama that revolves around the world of single screen talkies in Lucknow.
Shraddha, who has risen to the top through films in Telugu, Tamil and Kannada cinema, has been picked by Dhulia to play the lead opposite Ali Fazal. The Victoria & Abdul (2017) actor is currently shooting with the crew in and around UP. The team is expected to shoot in cities like Vrindavan, Lucknow, among others.
Shraddha is expected to join the crew in Lucknow in a few days.
Apart from the two, the film will also see Sanjai Mishra and Pankaj Tripathi in supporting roles.