Actress Swara Bhasker is no stranger to controversies. Earlier this year, the actress was highly criticised for her open letter to Sanjay Leela Bhansali over the depiction of jauhar in Padmaavat (2018). Now, time the actress is drawing flak from across the border. Pakistani actress Urwa Hocane has slammed Bhasker for her comments on Pakistan during a recent interview to promote Veere Di Wedding.
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Urwa shared clips from the interview of the Veere Di Wedding cast with film critic Rajeev Masand, where Bhasker criticised Pakistan, and contrasted it with another 2015 video of Bhasker's interview on a Pakistani channel where she praised the country for its hospitality.
While it looks like this storm won't settle for a while, Bhasker hasn’t responded to Urwa's criticism yet.