Directed by Rajesh Dutta and Ipshita Roy Sarkar, the film also features Paran Banerjee, Kharaj Mukherjee, Mir Afasar Ali, Bihu Mukherjee and Anubhav Kanjilal.
Minister Sovandeb Chattopadhay, Moon Moon Sen launch music of Abar Basanta Bilap
Kolkata - 28 Jun 2018 11:57 IST
Roushni Sarkar
The music of Rajesh Dutta and Ipshita Roy Sarkar’s Abar Basanta Bilap was launched at the Bengal Lounge on Wednesday (27 July). Actress Moon Moon Sen, minister for power-turned-actor Sovandeb Chattopadhyay, the director duo, music director Subhadep Dasgupta and the entire crew was present for the event.
The film also features Paran Banerjee, Kharaj Mukherjee, Mir Afasar Ali, Bihu Mukherjee and Anubhav Kanjilal. Minister Chattopadhyay reportedly will be seen in a special role in Abar Basanta Bilap.
In the film, Kharaj's character works with the Abar Basanta Bilap publishers under Banerjee, who is a bachelor and doesn’t understand the nuances of a married life. His life turns upside down when a beautiful lady (Moon Moon Sen) comes to their office to have her stories published. The film also narrates two parallel stories involving Afasar Ali, Kanjilal and Bihu. The twist occurs when the three stories lead to a common climax.
“I am not the person to feature in a film, however, I have had interest in acting since my childhood. I used to both participate and watch plays," Chattopadhyay said, adding, "My duty is to arrange meetings and I am the reason behind the trident lights you see around the city. Ipsita was kind of adamant that I act in the film."
"Till a few years ago, Bengali cinema was failing appeal to a larger audience. Now the time has improved. I have not watched Abar Basanta Bilap entirely but I believe the film will be well received by the audience. Now our lives are filled with monotony. WHO has also declared that in near future India will be the capital of blood sugar. Therefore, I think these kinds of films that aim at solely entertaining the audience need to be made more,” Chattopadhyay further added.
The minister has also lent his voice for a song in the film.
“Bengalis love romance, horror stories and comedy. The film has not been made to live up to high expectations. It is a purely entertaining film which can be watched with the entire family” actress Sen said.
Abar Basanta Bilap is scheduled to hit the screens on 13 July.