On Friday night, Chopra and Jonas, along with her mother Madhu and younger brother Siddharth, went for dinner at the popular Asian eatery in Bandra Kurla Complex, Yauatcha.
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas walk in hand-in-hand for family dinner in Mumbai
Mumbai - 23 Jun 2018 11:53 IST
Updated : 27 Jun 2018 16:49 IST
Sonal Pandya
Looks like actress Priyanka Chopra is making her relationship with American singer Nick Jonas official, as the pair landed in Mumbai to meet her family. They arrived in the city on Friday (22 June) morning escaping determined photographers at the airport by exiting through a different gate.
On Friday night, Chopra and Jonas, along with her mother Madhu and younger brother Siddharth, went for dinner at the popular Asian eatery in Bandra Kurla Complex, Yauatcha. Chopra wore a checkered top and skirt by American label A.L.C. with a white purse and heels to the restaurant.
The couple shared a car together and walked in hand-in-hand inside. This time, they didn't avoid the cameras. In fact, they even posed for the paparazzi for the first time.
Later that night, Jonas also confirmed their relationship status on Instagram by sharing a video of Chopra laughingly coming towards him. He captioned the Instagram story with the word 'her' accompanied by an emoji of a smiley face with hearts as eyes. The video seems to have been recorded at Chopra's Mumbai home.
Nick Jonas posted this video of Priyanka Chopra via #IGStories . ð¬⤠#NickJonas pic.twitter.com/RPRd7iRvDK
— Nick Jonas Fandom (@NickJonasUPD) June 22, 2018
Two weeks ago, Chopra accompanied Jonas to a family wedding in New Jersey where she was his plus one. It's not sure how long the couple are going to stay in Mumbai, but it is rumoured that the actress is planning to introduce him to her friends and family as the actor-singer did when he took her to his cousin Rachel Tamburelli's wedding.