Actor Ranbir Kapoor is already receiving praise for his resemblance to Sanjay Dutt in the latter’s biopic, Sanju, directed by Rajkumar Hirani. But producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra made a revelation that he actually wanted actor Ranveer Singh for the role and he wasn’t happy with Kapoor as the option.
Speaking to The Telegraph, Chopra said, “It was Raju’s [Hirani] idea to cast Ranbir. When he told me about Ranbir, I wasn’t happy at all. I thought someone else, like Ranveer Singh, could play this role much better. I thought Ranveer had the flamboyance, the emotional depth, as well as the ability to change himself completely to play Sanjay Dutt.”
However, finally Chopra had to agree with Hirani’s choice. “But Raju was adamant that Ranbir would be perfect. And when we started shooting and Ranbir became Sanjay Dutt, I had to kind of eat my words. I think I can best sum this up by saying that Ranbir has become Sanjay Dutt both in swagger and soul,” he added.
During a conversation with, Kapoor reacted to this saying, “I don’t know of his [Vidhu Vinod Chopra] regrets or anything of that kind [about saying that Singh was his first choice for Sanju], but I am really happy that it [Sanju] came into my life when I was really in need of inspiration. It’s a luxury when an actor is able to find inspiration in every film they do. So I am very happy that it did come to me.”