The film, which stars Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Shikha Talsania and Swara Bhasker, has made a total business of Rs72.71 crore nett in India.
Box office: Veere Di Wedding bags Rs18.25 crore nett in week two
Mumbai - 16 Jun 2018 16:49 IST
Mayur Lookhar
Director Shashanka Ghosh’s Veere Di Wedding has surprised all with its fine run at the box office. With actor Salman Khan’s Race 3 being released on Friday (15 June), it was expected that business of the holdover releases would slow down. However, Veere Di Wedding managed to bag Rs18.25 crore nett in its second week, as reported by
Veere Di Wedding's total business stands at Rs72.71 crore nett in India. The film, starring Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Shikha Talsania and Swara Bhasker, is made at an estimated budget of Rs45 crore, and the film was released in more than 2,000 screens in India.
Veere Di Wedding joins the likes of Hichki and Raazi to have done well this year. They are all films with strong women characters.
Meanwhile, the other holdover release Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran, too, slowed down considerably, but the John Abraham film has still made a respectable Rs58.25 crore nett so far in its domestic business. The film made Rs6.75 crore nett in its third week. Made at an estimated budget of Rs45 crore, the film was released on 25 May across 1,800 screens in India.