Following the path of her friends, Nandita Das and Konkona Sensharma, National Award-winning actress Tannishtha Chatterjee is set to turn director with a film adapted from a true story. The actress has already roped in her Lion (2016) co-star, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, as the leading man.
In a report by Mumbai Mirror, a tabloid, the actress spoke about wanting to turn director. It was on the sets of the Oscar-nominated film, Lion, that the actress pitched the story to Siddiqui.
The report quoted Chatterjee as saying, "I experienced a very strange incident during one of my travels to a film festival and immediately sounded him out. Nawaz was equally intrigued, and we decided to bring the experience to the screen."
The film will be produced by Eros International, Pankaj Razdan and Ravi Walia. Chatterjee has already begun work on pre-production, and filming is expected to begin later this year.
Siddiqui is currently preparing for the biopic on the late Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray, while he also has Ritesh Batra's Photograph on his schedule for this year.