Even as Vidyut Jammwal continues to train and shoot for his upcoming film, Junglee, the actor has received another shot in the arm. US based website, Looper, ranked the actor among eight martial artists to keep an eye on.
The actor who has trained for several years in the Indian martial art form of Kalaripayattu was thrilled and said to IANS, a news agency, "Honours like this help me give back to the community of Kalaripayattu to which I owe my life and all this success."
Jammwal broke through with his performance as the villain in Force (2011), before setting out as a solo lead in Commando (2013). The actor was last seen alongside Ajay Devgn and Emraan Hashmi in the heist drama, Baadshaho (2017). The actor will next be seen in Junglee Pictures' Junglee, where he is set to display his skills of Kalaripayattu on screen.
Speaking to Mumbai Mirror, a tabloid, the actor said, "Kalaripayattu is not about building the body, it’s about harnessing your inner strength." The film had Jammwal working with action director Chuck Russell, who also worked in films like The Mask (1994), The Scorpion King (2002) and Collateral (2004).
The actor is ranked alongside other Hollywood names like Scott Adkins, Sam Hargrave, and Johnny Trí Nguyen in the list.